This story is sad on so many levels.
But I think it's really worth mentioning that Jessica Lynch was sexually assaulted-- a common tactic used in war to devalue a people. The American public at large is now becoming aware that officials in government have been floating lies about these specific cases of Tillman and Lynch. Trying to make heroic stories and Hollywood-like plots out of the true, horrific situations of war.
People are shot by friendly fire, people see their friends shot and killed in front of them, women are constantly sexually assaulted in war as a tactic of fear and degradation.
If our government will use its own military heroes to try and rally cultural support of the war, what else will they stoop to?
Yes, it is important to note that.
How many of our female military coming back to ND will have suffered that kind of assault? Any will be one too many. It was my understanding the the VA bill passed by the state legislature was going to have a new hire for women military to help them adjust, cope and deal with any assault that occurred. I hope that didn't get taken out.
"If our government will use its own military heroes to try and rally cultural support of the war, what else will they stoop to?"
Ermm, what else would they be expected to do exactly? Should they have press releases about how the war is stupid and "we wanna go home!"?
"women are constantly sexually assaulted in war as a tactic of fear and degradation."
Geez what is it with women? They want equal opportunity in the military but when the enemy does bad stuff to them they are shocked?
Oh wait, that was the reason women were not in combat until recently, because of the bad stuff.
Changing your mind? No? Then complaining is not allowed. The good comes with the bad. Suck it up.
The thing that makes me so angry is that Tillman and Lynch are both heroes. No matter what ACTUALLY happened to them, the fact that they are at war makes them courageous-- it pisses me off that the military would 'manufacture narratives'-- basically make up lies-- about what happened to them because what ACTUALLY happened isn't all ready heroic enough. Give me a break.
And I hate the term 'friendly fire'. Exactly what kind of bullets flying at me are friendly?
I haven't heard that it is the enemy raping our female soldiers. What I have been hearing is that it is the American GIs doing this deplorable thing.
Yes-- that's another sad truth
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