I noticed this in my local shopping mall. The men's ad was the same but the women's said "longer, leaner, leggier" --- Why is it that men can look, casual, comfortable and cool and women must appear thin, tall, sexy? No comfort for them I guess. Anyone else care to help pinpoint why this ad annoys me so much?
Plus these women just look pissed.
What I don't get is that according to the Express website, men's shirts will go up to XXL (women's tops only come in XS-Large!). Women's pants only up to size 12 but men's up to 36 (in some stores 38).
How can you make a XXL for men but only go to a Large in women's sizes? I guess if Express ran the world any woman deemed "extra large" wouldn't get to buy clothes. And besides, have you ever held up a "large" women's size shirt from Express? Large by what definition of the word? Large for an 4 year old?
Personal rant: I'm a plus size gal myself but can often buy a Large or XL at mainstreem stores like The Limited, Old Navy, Gap etc but NEVER at Express.
Also- as I began to surf more around their website, I just noticed more irony.
I guess color variation is fabulous, except when it comes to the range of models you use. The real ad copy should read:
"Blonde. Brunette. But always caucasian."
There's an online video of their models and there is exactly one black female model and in a very "blink and you'll miss her" capacity.
The reason those women look so pissed is because they haven't eaten in days.
nope...it pisses me off too...though i have no better reasons than the ones you listed...
and i would be pissed off too, if i never got to eat...hence the pissed off look on the models' faces...
"The reason those women look so pissed is because they haven't eaten in days."
Okay, so I tried to post a comment a couple minutes ago, but then it disappeared.
I literally grew out of Express clothes a few years ago. It's stupid that they don't sell clothes past Large or size 12. As if size 14 is just too chunky for their image. Now I can only walk past their storefronts and scowl.
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