Friday, September 14, 2007

More Britney?

Another great look at this mess


Anonymous said...

Living in a house with five men, I've heard a lot on this issue. And the basic consensus is that while she does not look like she used to, if she walked up to them in that outfit generalized excitement would ensue (one guy said that he wouldn't lean towards her, but part of him would...)

Here is my thought (which I shared with my boyfriend) I am not having sex with ANYONE who thinks that brittany spears is fat. Period. If you think you are SUCH HOT STUFF that brittany's body isn't good enough for you (or makes you want to puke, as one guy put it....) then welcome to a life of riding the palm pony.

Furthermore, all the catty comments about her body from women really reminded me of high school. It's like these women were just feeding off of each other, so excited to be validated that they can finally, openly, reveal to the world how jealous they are of brittany spears. If I had two kids and looked like that I would be excited to be wearing a bikini; and I see plenty of women with worse bodies wearing them and they look JUST FINE.

Meanwhile, and I never thought I'd say this: KUDOS to brittany for not A) starving herself or B) going out and getting a tummy tuck. That is her REAL BODY and there is no reason that she shouldn't be proud of it. I would KILL for her body.

Tobes said...

amen amen amen!!

Anonymous said...

"Here is my thought (which I shared with my boyfriend) I am not having sex with ANYONE who thinks that brittany spears is fat."

You have a boyfriend. Is that paragraph aimed to your boyfriend? If so, why write it here?

Tobes said...


I believe Adrienne was saying that this was a point she and her boyfriend agreed on. She isn't speaking to her boyfriend in this context. She's just commenting that they discussed it together.